Have you ever been in a staff meeting and you were trying with all your might not to fall asleep?
Well that was me today! And what was worse was that I chose the seat right in front of the director of the agency! Doh!
I had a super huge cup of Timmies (which I must say was totally gross) and the caffeine in the coffee had to be about a third of what I am used to. As you all know I am a Starbucks snob. And very proud too.
Anywhoo, I am darting my eyes all over the room trying to keep them open, I must have looked like a crazed fool if anyone was watching me. I was listening not to the speaker, but concentrating very hard on my breathing, making sure I wasn't going to do one of those head bob, snorting...haha. You laugh, but I am sure you all have done it sometime in your life, and if you haven't then you will someday when you least expect it and man! is it embarrassing. But...that did not happen today, but very close. whew!
It wasn't until after the break was there a discussion that involved staff participation. I was so concerned and occupied with try to focus on staying awake, that I totally missed the whole conversation leading up to the part I was to contribute. So to remind you, I was sitting across from the Big Bossman, and when my name came up to give my opinion what do you think I did????
That's right! I froze. With all eyes on me, all that came out of my mouth was a big fat NOTHING! I was like a deer caught in the headlights. I said I couldn't come up with anything. Right in front of the director.
good thing my supervisor was away, I surely would have been more embarrassed not for myself but for being one of her staff who appeared to know nothing!!
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