Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It has been a few days since my last blog, and a lot has been going on in my life since then.

So SB and I found out that our pregger test was a big fat Negative! last Wed.   I played the part of the strong support, and I played all cool and positive that this time just wasn't the right time and that lil'Coco had other plans.  But in the inside I was just as disappointed as SB.  And I too went to town with the junk food fest and man, did I dearly pay for it for the next few days.  Being Diabetic it probably wasn't such a good idea to have those huge Slurpees and glazed donuts!  And although the Big Crunch from KFC was delish, I don't know if I knew at the time I would see it again later that day, and I don't know if any of you can relate to the feeling of satisfaction and a sugary high, only to rush off to the W/C shortly after consuming all that goodness.  Well all I can say is YUCK!  I have told myself that I will not and I mean NOT! do this again, even if our next test comes up negatory, perhaps a nice big leafy chunky salad will do???

I found out yesterday that I have been approved for funding for school and am to register today with a colleague!  Whoohoo!  I know that I am stressed about going back to school, but this time is different.  My work is paying! so no student loan to worry about.  Yay!  I just hope that they don't make me sign some contract that makes me stay with the agency for a year or ten!  Cuz, not only are they paying for it and all the books and such, they are paying for my time as well, which means I get PAID to go to school!! Yay me!  Now if I can stop stressing all will be good.

Tonight is the second rehearsal for the choir I belong to, and I am having mixed feelings about it.  A part of me, really missed it for the session I took off, but another part was so glad not to have to be a part of something that made me so miserable.  I certainly love seeing all my friends and eating at OUR place around the block before rehearsal, but I don't miss all the politics and crap that goes on.  Thankfully though, I am no longer on the Board of Directors anymore and maybe I can relax again and just be little ole' me hiding in the alto section, pretending to be singing and enjoying it once again!

I miss YH.  Is it February yet???

'til next time....in the words of a great lady(lol) Good day and "BE GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER" 

1 comment:

  1. I do that food binge thing too. Always a stupid idea but I can't help myself. We have a Burger King at work. For a toonie, I can make myself sick on a burger (in addition to all the other stuff I will gorge on). I don't know what the answer is. Pretty sure salad won't help. ;0 Is there something less horrid? A giant platter of veggies and warm dip? The dip being the important thing of course.
    I'm excited about you going back to school. What a wonderful opportunity!
    I hate organizational politics. What a major pain in the ass!
