Thursday, January 30, 2014

Get ready for it!  

A Rant!

I am so sick of things in my life repeating over and over!  wHY can't things ever get any easier.  

I'll tell you, when you are born you are suppose to get unconditional love and care (because you can't do anything more than rely on others to do it for you)....that can go on until you are old enough to make up your own mind!  

Some say the terrible twos are when thoughts and emotions are formed enough that make you who you will become some day....I dont know about that...something to think about,  

            hmmm 🎶🎶🎶things that make you go hmmm🎶🎶🎶a tune in my head that has been swimming in my stuffed to the gills head

Later, you hear this, dont do that, don't touch that, do what youre told or you'll get hurt,  blah blah blah!!  You hear these commands, but you need, and I mean NEED, to know and find out for sure the stove top is actually hot, for your self! 

...whats my point again? Lol. Got side tracked by BM ( no not BM BM) my friend B M from BGC! people.

Any way,  later still you go to school and have more restrictions, more accountability, more stress, and even more people telling you what, how and who you should be.  

A constant turn of events on repeat..repeating over and over,  when does it stop?  When will life just be?  One bad thing over and over, good things do not seem to repeat themselves, well not often enough anyway.  

If I believed in the concept of reincarnation then perhaps I can get it right next time, until then, I am stuck in a revolving door.  

Monday, January 27, 2014

I'm baaaack!

Well it has been a long time!  I've thought many times about this old blog, time just got away from me.  Time, and the fact that I forgot my password did not help

 Thanks BB for helping me remember!

For a while now I have been coming to one of my favorite Sbux before work to have ME time.  I have made it a part of my morning routine 4 dayz a week for months.  I love that I know I can go and sit in one of two tables every morning, sit and drink my latte, eat my bagel or sausage sandwich and play my words on Words with Friends or Farm....yes I said Farm. I am addicted to Hay Farm!  Yup. i can admit it, but it relaxes me, gives me time to think of nothing else but growing and collecting

My dayz at work tend to be challenging with many client issues, homelessness, mental health issues, physical issues, and addiction issues, so taking 45 mins. to an hour FOUR dayz a week for "me time" has helped me get through some tough days.  

This particular Sbux I like because most if not all the baristas know my name now and have on occasion asked if I was ok when I did not make it one day...a little sad to think that that inquiry can make someones day but it truly can!  So thanks!  

I never thought I would become on of THOSE customers! In my 8 years as a barista at Sbux myself I never once thought that one day I would walk into a store and have THEM know my name, know MY drink! 

          It kind of makes one feel special, if only it lasts for a moment, what may seem like an awful day                               ahead, can be just enough to see your way lunch at least :)

Til next time...have a Sbux kind of day!